Friday, November 6, 2009

Beginning of the Affair

Its amazing how much censorship was going on, and mainly over small things. Phrases that were "bad-sounding" were thrown out of books because they might hurt the Church. As I was reading I was stunned that the Church went through such measures.

One of the big focuses of the reading I feel was the fact that only somethings were condemned at first. The Copernican idea was fine with the Church it seemed. That wasn't were the issue was. The real problem was when people tried to say that it could go with the Scripture. It was like the Church allowed the belief to exist and talked about, but as soon as someone said its possible it was censored. It almost doesn't make sense to me why they only corrected parts that suggested it can work with the scripture, and yet didn't take up too much issue with the idea at first.

Also, I never heard about the three propositions by Galileo: "God is not a substance but an accident, that God is sensuous, and that the miracles of the Saints are not true miracles." It seems so irrelevant to everything it confused me. Like, how did that end up in Galileo's astronomy talk.

In regards to someone trying to get Galileo in trouble with the Church, I feel it wasn't so personal. It seems to me it was more of lets get the Church more powerful and flex our muscles. Obviously Galileo was targeted, but he was just an easy target and prime for a fight.

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